
His flimsy excuse got the crowd into a frenzy of rage.(彼のお粗末な言い訳が聴衆を怒りで狂乱させた)
単語1: flimsy (発音 ˈflɪm.zi)
意味: ①薄っぺらな、②お粗末な
definition: ①:very thin, or easily broken or destroyed, ②:A flimsy argument, excuse, etc. is weak and difficult to believe.
単語2: frenzy(発音 ˈfren·zi)
意味: 逆上、熱狂
definition: excited, uncontrollable, and sometimes violent behavior or emotion
flimsy & frenzyを使ったその他の例文
- We spent the night in a flimsy wooden hut.(私達はお粗末な木の小屋で夜を過ごした。)
- The Saturday night sale can best be described as a buying frenzy.(土曜の夜のセールは「買い物の狂乱」と言い表すことができる。)
(from Cambridge dictionary)