
After hotel guests vacated the hotel, the manager went on vacation. (ゲストがホテルから退去した後、支配人は休暇に出かけた。)
単語1: vacate (発音 vəˈkeɪtまたはveɪˈkeɪt)
意味: ①(建物などを)明け渡す、立ち退く、②(法律、判決を)無効にする
definition: ①to leave a room, building, chair, etc. so that it is available for other people, ②if a court’s decision is vacated, it is changed so that it does not have to be obeyed
単語2: vacation (発音 veɪˈkeɪ.ʃən)
意味: 休暇
definition: a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax
- The mayor failed to convince them to vacate the premises.(市長は彼がその土地から立ち退くよう説得するのに失敗した。)